Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4

  1. Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 Character Token Locations
  2. Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 Download
  3. Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Ps3

LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 - Silver Shield Combo Pack - Playstation 3. ESRB Rating: Everyone 10+ 4.8 out of 5 stars 58. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 is an adventure action game. You play as a young wizard called Harry Potter, a fictional character created by J.K. You will accompany him on his various adventures that happened during his first four years in Hogwarts. To some extent, the game offers an open structure. How to unlock the Arachnophobic achievement in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4: Defeat 20 spiders with Ron. This achievement is worth 10 Gamerscore. Buy LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 3 at GameStop. Find release dates, customer reviews, previews, and more.

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LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4

Also known as: LEGO Harry Potter
Developer: TT Games
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
Platforms: Windows, Wii, PlayStation 3
Released in US: June 29, 2010
Released in EU: June 25, 2010
Released in AU: June 29, 2010

This game has hidden development-related text.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused text.

LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 is the first out of the two LEGO Harry Potter games, this one following the events of the first four Harry Potter movies (Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, and Goblet of Fire) while adding the traditional slapstick LEGO humor that TT Games puts into all their LEGO games.

  • 3Unused Text
    • 3.1Changelogs


Leftover Text
Batman does Hogwarts.

Unused Graphics


A leftover demo splash screen, found in GAME.DAT/gui/textures. This is exclusive to the Windows build.

The PlayStation 3 version of the file, which comes from a build two weeks earlier than the Windows version.

Unused Text


All of the changelog files below cover changes and bugs for the core TT engine (tagged internally as ER, GS, TTANIM, and LEGOSYS), as well as the following games:

LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues

LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4


LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars

LEGO Lord of the Rings


Download June 2010 TTGames Windows Changelogs (391 KB) (info)

Two revisions of a large global changelog used across all games under development, for all console versions. Changelog.txt comes from a point before LEGO Harry Potter was compiled for release, whereas changelog_release.txt is from the final build.


Download June 2010 TTGames Wii Changelog (211 KB) (info)

A slightly more updated version of the large global changelog used across all games under development. There are two copies of this file under the names changelog_final.txt and changelog_release.txt.

PlayStation 3

Download June 2010 TTGames PlayStation 3 Changelog (213 KB) (info)

A changelog similar to the one found in the Wii release.

Development Related Text


The version number for PlayStation 3 predates the Windows build by roughly two weeks, and is the earliest known build.

Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4

This is the initial version released on disc and through Steam. The game has not received any updates.

This is the build version exclusive to the Wii release of the game, dated nearly two months after the Windows version.


Comments in spell/attack code.

Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 Character Token Locations

There are comment titles defining all spells and attacks in the game. These ones in particular feature some oddities.

Instructions on how the Bolt Type script works.




Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4





Lego harry potter years 1-4 codes

A file list for Wii-specific assets. This is only unused in the Windows version.

Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 Download



The 'Arthur' mentioned is Arthur Parsons, one of the lead designers for the game.




It looks like Privet Drive was intended to be the main hub instead of the Leaky Cauldron at one point.

Strings for online play, not available in the Windows release. There are also a few console-specific lines.


Leftover text from the demo version of the game.

WindowsChess • Rock Raiders • LEGOLAND • Digital Designer • Builder Bots • Bricktopia
Pirates of the Caribbean • Marvel Super Heroes • The LEGO Movie • Marvel Super Heroes 2
Game Boy AdvanceSoccer Mania
Nintendo DSFriends • Pirates of the Caribbean
Nintendo 3DSFriends
iOSLife of George
PlayStationRock Raiders
PlayStation 2Soccer Mania
WiiRock Band • Pirates of the Caribbean
Wii UDimensions
Adobe FlashAqua Raiders: Treasure Trench • Castle • Mars Mission: CrystAlien Conflict
Adobe ShockwaveJunkbot • World Builder • World Builder 2
WindowsThe Videogame • 2: DC Super Heroes • 3: Beyond Gotham
Wii2: DC Super Heroes
Nintendo DSThe Videogame
PlayStation PortableThe Videogame
Game Boy AdvanceBionicle • Maze of Shadows
WindowsNestlé • Heroes
PlayStation 2Heroes
Adobe FlashMata Nui Online Game • Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle • Voya Nui Online Game • Mistika
Nintendo 3DSUndercover: The Chase Begins
Wii UUndercover
Adobe FlashTrain Game • Police Chase • Build It • Time to Build • On Patrol
Harry Potter
WindowsYears 1-4 • Years 5-7
WiiYears 1-4 • Years 5-7
PlayStation 3Years 1-4
PlayStation PortableYears 1-4
Nintendo 3DSYears 5-7
PlayStation VitaYears 5-7
Indiana Jones
WindowsThe Original Adventures • 2: The Adventure Continues
Nintendo DSThe Original Adventures • 2: The Adventure Continues
PlayStation PortableThe Original Adventures • 2: The Adventure Continues
WindowsIsland • 2: The Brickster's Revenge • Xtreme Stunts
PlayStation2: The Brickster's Revenge (Prototype)
Game Boy Color2: The Brickster's Revenge
Game Boy Advance2: The Brickster's Revenge • Xtreme Stunts
Adobe ShockwavePepper's Skateboarding Challenge
WindowsThe Lord of the Rings
WiiThe Lord of the Rings
Wii UThe Hobbit
Adobe FlashSpinjitzu Smash (DX) • Smash Creations • Smash Party • The Four Paths • Viper Smash • Spinjitzu Spinball
WindowsRacers • Racers 2
GameCubeDrome Racers
Game Boy ColorRacers
Game Boy AdvanceRacers 2 (Prototype)
Adobe FlashThe Robot Chronicles • World Racers (Prototypes) • RampAge
Star Wars
Game Boy AdvanceThe Video Game • II: The Original Trilogy
WindowsThe Video Game • The Complete Saga • III: The Clone Wars • The Force Awakens
XboxThe Video Game
GameCubeThe Video Game • II: The Original Trilogy
PlayStation 2The Video Game (Prototype) • II: The Original Trilogy (Prototype)
WiiThe Complete Saga • III: The Clone Wars
Nintendo DSThe Complete Saga • III: The Clone Wars
PlayStation PortableII: The Original Trilogy
Xbox 360II: The Original Trilogy
PlayStation 3The Force Awakens
The Harry Potter series
Windows, Mac OS Classic, Mac OS XSorcerer's Stone • Chamber of Secrets(Prototype)
Game Boy ColorSorcerer's Stone • Chamber of Secrets
Game Boy AdvanceSorcerer's Stone • Prisoner of Azkaban • Goblet of Fire • Quidditch World Cup
PlayStationSorcerer's Stone • Chamber of Secrets
GameCubeSorcerer's Stone • Chamber of Secrets • Prisoner of Azkaban • Goblet of Fire
PlayStation 2Sorcerer's Stone • Quidditch World Cup • Goblet of Fire
WindowsPrisoner of Azkaban • Goblet of Fire • LEGO Years 1-4 • LEGO Years 5-7
XboxGoblet of Fire
WiiLEGO Years 1-4 • LEGO Years 5-7
PlayStation 3LEGO Years 1-4
PlayStation PortableLEGO Years 1-4
Nintendo 3DSLEGO Years 5-7
PlayStation VitaLEGO Years 5-7
iOS, AndroidWizards Unite
Retrieved from ''

Let's Get This out of the way, again, LEGO Harry Potter doesn't support mouse and keyboard. Unless you've got a gamepad, you'll have your fingers scrunched together on the keyboard, and you'll feel like a fussy insect grooming itself. It does makes sense, in a way, but it's also a deeply unfriendly decision.

And that's about it, as far as my criticisms go. Stunningly, Travellers Tales' adventures in Hogwarts are the fullest, most charming, and deepest LEGO experience yet.

Fun-Packed Rooms

Hogwarts' rooms are so dense with destructible objects, secret bonuses, interactive moments, and concealed comedy that you can spent a happy few minutes simply casting Hagrid's levitate spell at everything in the opening room. The results will be a rewarding animation, LEGO studs, or one of the often ultra-hidden collectibles. It's the first LEGO games where the madness of what's going on around you makes sense. In Rowling's world, this stuff is normal.

Harry, Ron and Hermione (and the host of other characters you'll control) attend lessons to learn new skills and, apart from eight spells, you're constantly unlocking a huge number of other abilities. Lumens scares off plant life, hopping into a cupboard will give you a set of earmuffs allowing you to pick up the screaming Mandragora plants. These not only smash glass doors, but those stud jars you've been seeing around.

The self-contained nature of each room lets the developers get away with some obscure, initially irrational stuff, to the point where even LEGO the game broke its own, unspoken 'self-contained' rule. I was looking for a spider, and the garishly-coloured spider's web in the next room was an obvious clue, in retrospect, but the dodgy collision detection led me to waste 20 minutes in that hospital room. To the game's credit, I kept finding new things to interact with in the room, even if it wasn't the damned spider.

As you progress through the first four of Rowling's books, you'd worry that the school might get repetitive. But it doesn't, the place gets re-decorated, new things pop up in response to your new spells, and students react to the calendar and events of the book in charming ways. Some of the boss battles are annoying, the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets is a poorly-flagged fight, but still satisfying to complete.

When you enter Gringott's bonus vault, you begin to realise the scope of the game. All the sandbox stuff that's completely unnecessary, but possibly part of LEGO'S contract to remind kids that they can still build real stuff with bricks. Travellers Tales understand how much kids love games, and why they love them, because there's so much fantastic and varied stuff to do.

Young At Heart

I feel like I shouldn't enjoy this game. I'm three times the age of its target market. I feel like I'm expected to have a cynical take on the LEGO formula, and 'people who read Harry Potter on the Tube'. But screw that, I'm a defiant reader of the kid's cover versions, and I'll enjoy this game in the same way I enjoyed the books, as an imperfect romp that manages to covers its flaws with charm and relentless action.

Lego Harry Potter Years 1 4 Ps3

Dealing with a subject matter that's not revered by adults has really let Travellers Tales make a kid's game that' nothing short of excellent.