Nsf Viewer Tool

Interactive Data Tools Updated

NSF Viewer Tool accesses damaged Lotus Notes documents for analysis on any computer running MS Windows 98//10 regardless its configuration. Nsf Viewer Tool free download - EML Viewer, System Information Viewer, Zapya - File transfer tool and GIF viewer, and many more programs.


NSF Viewer Tool is a power-packed solution for opening, viewing, and restoring the contents of Lotus Notes NSF files damaged as the result of all kinds of incidents involving the file system: hardware failures, power outages, virus attacks and so forth. Trusted Windows (PC) download NSF Viewer Tool 2.2. Virus-free and 100% clean download. Get NSF Viewer Tool alternative downloads.

NCSES's Interactive Data Tools provide access to statistics related to the U.S. science and engineering enterprise. NCSES is constantly working to improve the functionality of these tools, so users can easily analyze the data.

Features for Discovering, Understanding, and Analyzing NCSES Data

  • Explore data by survey, topic, or searching for keywords.
  • Build and customize line graphs and bar charts.
  • Create customized tables detailing data on the education of scientists and engineers, the science and engineering workforce, and funding for R&D and science and engineering.
  • View metatadata and survey source questions through the Data Explorer.

Available Surveys

  • Survey of Earned Doctorates
  • Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering
  • Higher Education Research and Development Survey
  • Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development
  • Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions
  • Survey of Science and Engineering Research Facilities
  • National Survey of College Graduates
  • IPEDS Completions Survey from Department of Education
  • IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey from Department of Education

Data cover 1958 to present.


SESTAT (Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System) is a table-generation tool for data on the education and employment of the college-educated U.S. science and engineering workforce. These data are integrated in SESTAT from three NCSES-sponsored surveys:

  • National Survey of College Graduates
  • National Survey of Recent College Graduates
  • Survey of Doctorate Recipients

Data cover 1993 to present.

Public-Use Data Files

Public-use data files are microdata files and documentation available for public use and do not contain any individually identifiable information. Public-use data files are available for the following surveys:

All public-use data files are available in SAS format. Data files from the GSS are also available in Excel format. Data for SESTAT surveys cover 1993 to present.

Restricted-Use Data

Under certain conditions, restricted-use microdata files may be obtained under a license agreement with NCSES.

The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) is bound by the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, the NSF Act of 1950, as amended, and the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002, Title V, all of which provide for the security and privacy of personally identifiable statistical data.

Your organization will be required to meet specified security procedures to keep restricted data safe from unauthorized access, disclosure, or modification.

Restricted-use microdata are available from NCSES for the following:

  • SESTAT Surveys
    • National Survey of Recent College Graduates
    • Survey of Doctorate Recipients
    • SESTAT Integrated File
  • Doctorate Records File/Survey of Earned Doctorates

In some cases, NCSES may provide special tabulations or summary data to meet the specific need for data rather than granting restricted access to microdata files. When granted, restricted access via a license agreement may permit the researcher or data user access to the data files at the researcher's academic institution or via secured, remote access to the NSF Secure Data Access Facility.

For more information on how to obtain a restricted-use data license from NCSES, please see the NSF/NCSES Restricted-Use Data Licensing and Procedures page.

Please note that restricted-use microdata of other surveys may be available from another agency or a Federal Statistical Research Data Center. Please see the survey description of an individual survey for more Informationion.

NCSES Policy on Matching Data to Restricted-Use Data Sets (PDF 36KB) Revised: 19 October 2006

Academic Institution Profiles

Academic Institution Profiles is an interactive website providing access to selected data on the number of earned doctorates, number of graduate students and postdoctorates in science and engineering, total federal obligations, and total R&D expenditures by individual U.S. academic institutions. Academic Institution Profiles also includes rankings of institutions by four selected variables. Data come from four NCSES surveys: the Higher Education R&D Survey; the Survey of Earned Doctorates; the Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges and Nonprofit Institutions; and the Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering. All data are available for download. Data cover the most recent 10 years.


IRIS (Industrial Research and Development Information System) provides access to more than 2,500 historical detailed statistical tables on industrial R&D from the Survey of Industrial Research and Development. Data cover R&D performed within the United States by U.S.- or foreign-owned companies classified by the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) coding scheme from 1952 to 1998 and by the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) for 1999 to 2007. Data cover 1953 to 2007.

Nsf Viewer Tool Windows 7

State Profiles

Nsf Viewer Tool Online

State Profiles is an interactive website providing access to state-level data on science and engineering personnel and finances and state rankings. State Profiles displays up to 10 state profiles of the user’s choice. Data are available from NSF-sponsored surveys on employed science, engineering, or health (SEH) doctorate holders; science and engineering (S&E) doctorates awarded, including by major S&E fields; SEH graduate students and postdoctorates; federal R&D obligations by agency and performer; total and industrial R&D expenditures; and academic R&D expenditures, including by major S&E fields. Data available from other sources include population, civilian labor force, per capita personal income, federal expenditures, patents, small business innovation research awards, and gross domestic product. All data are available for download. Data cover 2003 to present.

Nsf Viewer Tool Photoshop

Lotus Notes files have an unusual structure, containing both applications and data in a single database-like format called NSF. These files can grow quite big and contain lots of valuable data, so losing them in a data corruption incident may have extremely negative and far-going consequences. When an incident like this renders one or more NSF files inaccessible, specialized tools like NSF Viewer Tool will help view their content and recover information from them in a fast and convenient manner.
NSF Viewer Tool is a compact, reliable and easy to use solution that makes it easy for users to open and view damaged NSF files and recover data from them using an intuitive, lightweight interface. The program uses a convenient wizard that guides the user through the entire process and makes file viewing and data recovery a task that even beginners can cope with without any problems. The program is based on a fast and accurate proprietary engine that opens even seriously damaged files, shows their content to the user and recovers them with a single mouse click. During the preview stage, the user can sort the contents of the damaged file by key parameters, such as sender, recipient, subject, date and attachment status. Checkboxes next to the names of recoverable items allow users to mark specific items for recovery on the next step. Thanks to the optimized recovery engine, the final step of the process requires a bare minimum of time. The only mandatory requirement for data recovery is the presence of Lotus Notes on the user's system. Damaged NSF files can be viewed on any system. Data can be recovered to a new or existing Lotus Notes database.
NSF Viewer tool is an efficient, convenient and fast NSF file viewer and recovery tool that will help users restore their Lotus Notes data in various data corruption incidents. The trial version of the software can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website for familiarization and thorough testing.