Smart Album

  1. Smart Album For Windows
  2. Smartalbums
  3. Smart Album Ios

A picture is worth a thousand words. Make the thought count with an impressive way to store and view your favorite memories with the Smart Photo Album. Intelligently designed with a creative touch, this album lets you sort and tag your photos within your specified criteria with just a click.

With Smart Album, you can:

  • Tag photos with keywords.

  • Assign star rating to your snapshots.

  • View, sort and filter all these images based on the keywords and star rating.

Smart Album is a photo album which lets you organize your photos based on your specified criteria. Just select a keyword and arrange an array of photos within seconds. Specify unique keywords to your photos and Smart Album will sort all these tagged photos in one album.

Organize Large Number of Photos! For professional photographers who need to organize hundreds of photos every day, Smart Album is an ideal choice! Sort all photos based on unique keywords and arrange them in different albums for quick and easy access.

Create Multiple Albums with Multiple Photographs! One photo can appear in several albums - just specify which keywords should appear in which albums and voila! You can browse through all your memories and enjoy hours of unlimited fun with just a click!

Setup your Smart Albums! Start tagging photos with keywords and star ratings and your album will be ready in seconds.

Arrange and tag photos based on:

  • Keywords

  • Star Rating

  • EXIF date

  • TIFF Camera Model

  • EXIF lens model

  • Enhanced Filtering: You can create albums with the AND and OR keyword filtering criteria. For example, if there are photos tagged by Event A and Event B, you can create albums that contain:

    • Photos from both event A AND Event B

    • Photos from either Event A OR Event B

    • Exclude Photos from either Event A AND/OR Event B

  • Social Media Support: Export to Facebook, Twitter, Mail, Message, Print (On iOS >= 6.0 when account is enabled on your device)

  • Create a Slideshow

  • Camera Connection Support: Support for photos imported through the Camera connection kit

  • Export a Smart Album to the Photo Library

Smart Photo Album makes use of these open source projects:

  • MWPhotoBrowser - Used for the Slideshow.

  • MBProgressHUD by Jonathan George — Used for Activity indicator.

  • WEPopover by Werner IT - Used for the popover view

  • URBSegmentedControl by Nicholas Shipes - for the AND/OR control

  • LLRoundControl by Dan Giralte - for the include/exclude control

  • Appirater by Arash Payan - for the Rate me popup

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Seamlessly create breathtaking albums with the photos from a wedding reception or your last vacation trip using the plethora of templates provided via this app

A: Answer: A: In Photos Ctrl-click the album name, if the gears icon is missing. It should still bring up the contextual menu with the command 'Delete Smart Album': Or ar you using iPhoto? In iPhoto you can also ctrl-click the Smart album and use the command 'Delete Album'. A Smart Album is a virtual album for your images that is based on the certain search criteria with a set of conditional rules. The album is automatically updated when the search criteria are met as well as when the rules no longer meet the criteria. This will help you to narrow down a collection of images for a smaller subset to.

  1. Pixellu SmartAlbums 2 Product Key Incl Crack Full Version is intuitive, quick and simple album design and album proofing software.Link.
  2. Do the Photos on your Mac need organizing? Learn how to use Smart Albums to quickly organize your photos and convert them into real albums.-.

What's new in SmartAlbums 2.2.6:

  • General performance and compatibility improvements.
Read the full changelog

Vacations, graduations, weddings and anniversaries are just a few examples of the joyous events in our lives that we enjoy remembering time and time again. And, what better way to preserve feelings like admiration, love or strength forever than within the pages of a photo book?

SmartAlbums is an application that enables you to design amazing photo albums and provides you with a plethora of professional-grade templates so you can enhance it and enshrine the positive feelings you are living for the years to come.

Comes with dozens of beautiful and customizable templates

Following a quick setup, you are required to go through a wizard to select the template that would work best with the photo album you are working on. You will be happy to learn that the utility includes a vast array of presets from numerous digital design companies from across the globe.

In case you do not find the company you like on the list, then you should keep in mind that you can seamlessly add your own preset by accessing the Custom section and then specifying a few details, such as output dimensions, trim, safe zone and the layout type.

Supports numerous file formats and export to advanced graphic editors

The program comes with several tools that enable you to arrange, resize and even control the gaps between the images you intend to include in the albums. In fact, the app allows you to change the album size of the design, so you can easily upgrade or make changes and revert the ones you are not satisfied with.

It is worth mentioning that the application works with several file formats, including JPG, TIFF, PNG and PSD. At the same time, if you want to make further editing, but without ruining the picture, then you should keep in mind that the app supports export to Adobe Photoshop and InDesign.

An excellent tool for designing and enhancing your photo albums

In the eventuality that you have a joyous event coming up soon and you want to put in an effort to set a positive mood and atmosphere, then SmartAlbums can help you create photo albums that can make your guests relive the joyous moments.

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SmartAlbums was reviewed by Alexandra Sava
  • 30-days trial
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 2.4 GHz (dual-core)
  • RAM: 6GB
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SmartAlbums 2.2.6

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Smart Album For Windows

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Windows 10 64 bit
Windows 8 64 bit
Windows 7 64 bit
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109 MB
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