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Sparkydog8's Webkinz Blog. Saturday, 17 January 2009. Kinzcash Control Mood: chatty Topic: Webkinz World. Click that link above to get a 70's song. Webkinz Pet Sale: Hippos. Right now, you can get each of these pets for only $4.87 USD if you are a Deluxe member, and $6.37 if you are a regular or free member. Y ou can also get the Signature Hippopotamus for only 13,000 points (about $13 USD)!

Kinzcash Control
Mood: chatty
Topic: Webkinz World

Click that link above to get a 70's song

Hello again! Sorry its been a while...

I have some advice for you. Controll your kinzcash!

See that amount of kinzcash above? That's how much kinzcash I had before.

Now, I have 47,000 kinzcash because:

  • I have 25 webkinz now
  • I got rid of unwanted items
  • I created a goal to stop at

I created a goal to stop at after once spoiling my webkinz.

I went down to 900 kinzcash the first time I did.

The next time? 12,441! Because I created a goal.

Now, since I have 25 webkinz, and 47,000 kinzcash...

  • 12,441
  • 23,000
  • 46,000

You know why it's raising up higher? B/C

1. I got more webkinz

2. I didn't spoil

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3. I remembered about the goal

So remember, control your kinzcash, and don't spoil your webkinz.

© 2008 Tripod Community 247 ®

Updated: Saturday, 17 January 2009 3:52 PM EST
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Here is a guide for what to sell and what not to sell on Webkinz World! Almost all items and prizes can be sold back to the W-Shop for half their original value/price, though some items are very valuable and shouldn't be sold.
See my guide for trading and the value of Webkinz items here.
Do Sell:
Duplicates of most things (that you can easily win again or aren't worth trading)
Low value prizes/items that you don't like (from Today's Activities, daily log-in, etc)

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Challenge prizes you don't like (like the smaller, less exciting prizes from the 1st or 2nd part of the challenge)
Crown of Wonder
Extra food (worth 10kc or more)
Kinzville Academy Recess prizes
Wacky Snack Pack foods
Anything else that is not worth trading but that you don't want
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Examples of what to sell:

Don't Sell:
Rare items
Pet Specific items (never sell these!)
Deluxe prizes (Deluxe Day, Deluxe challenges, etc)
Most challenge prizes (these are sometimes turned into exclusive items after the challenge is over and made available at the Wish Factory)
Grand prizes (Magical Forest, etc)
Most Winterfest or other seasonal prizes (with the exception of duplicates, esp. clothing)
Kinzville Academy class prizes (never sell these!)

Gymbo's Webkinz Blog

Retired items (unless you can still buy it at the Curio Shop)
Foods worth less than 10 kc (just feed it to your pet, it's not valuable enough to bother selling it)
Examples of what not to sell:

Tip #1: Even if you don't want any of the items mentioned above, I still strongly recommend keeping them and trading them later. That's what I do. I actually purposely buy extra rare items just to trade (I use my secondary accounts to do this). Unless you are in serious need of immediate kinzcash, it's not worth it to sell these items. They are just too valuable and difficult to find, and worth a lot more than the kinzcash you will receive for them (especially exclusive items; for some reason these only sell for a couple hundred kc, though they're way more valuable than that). It's better to trade these items for another valuable item that you Blogdo want. You can trade in the Clubhouse obviously, but I also

Pippas Webkinz Blog

recommend using the Webkinz subreddit page or the Webkinz Newz trading forum to make trades. Be patient! Some items might sit in your storage room for awhile, but someone is likely going to want them at some point (especially as time goes by and the item becomes older and increases in value). I have multiple storage rooms in my Webkinz house where I keep these items. Sometimes, items from challenges are made into exclusive items after they have already been released. Once I won several Dragonfly Wall Art pieces in a challenge and then sold them. Now you can get them at the Wish Factory for over 30 tokens each! I definitely regret selling them.
Tip #2: The only time I would ever recommend selling a rare item is if you need the money to buy a different rare item (that you want more) from the Curio Shop. Since you don't have much time to do that (>1hr), selling a rare item is a quick way to make the necessary kinzcash. However, I would recommend selling an expensive W-Shop item or two instead, as they can be repurchased far more easily. I only recommend selling a rare item if you have a duplicate of it and haven't been able to trade it, and don't have any W-Shop items to sell.
Tip #3: As mentioned above, if you need kinzcash quickly, sell large W-Shop items (ex: a TV, a pool, a stove, or a bed). These items cost the most kc so you will earn back more kinzcash and have to sell less things. It's better to sell one bed than two counters + a chair. If I need to do this, I choose an item or two from an unfinished room rather than a completed one so I don't mess up any finished designs.
Tip #4: If you have multiple accounts and need kinzcash on one of them, buy three of the most expensive item you can find in the W-Shop and send them to the account that needs kinzcash (I believe the most expensive item is the Oak Paneled Pool), and then sell them on that account. However, I only recommend doing this when you have a few W-Shop coupons, as you still technically lose kinzcash overall unless you buy the items with coupons that are worth 50% off or more. See my post about the advantages of having more than one account here.
Tip #5: Again, as mentioned above, if you have an extra coupon that is worth more than 50% off (it must be worth at least 60% off or more) you can buy a really expensive W-Shop item and then sell it back right away for a small profit.
Tip #6: Some items can't be traded or sold, which is annoying. If you acquire an item that you don't like and you can't trade it or sell it, put it in a room in your house labelled 'Storage' or 'Stuff I Can't Sell.' I now have two rooms full of stuff I don't like but can't sell. It doesn't matter how it looks; I just cram those rooms full of as many items as I can fit. It's annoying, but this way those items don't take up space in my dock. I also put wallpaper/flooring that I don't like + can't sell in these rooms.

Gymbo Webkinz Blog

I hope this helps!

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